A flight of locks in Akron (#1-15) which allowed canal boats to travel from Summit Lake down to the level of the Little Cuyahoga river or up to Summit Lake from the level of the … more
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Star of Bethlehem
(Ornithogalum umbellatum) Greenish white flowers arise from a clump of grasslike leaves. Also called sleepy dick from its early-closing flowers. It grows from a bulb. Very popular in old fashioned gardens; it naturalized in the … more
State Boat
A canal boat used to perform canal maintenance. It carried a crew and equipment for canal repairs. Since no extra mules were needed the boat lacked a central cabin.
State of Ohio
A canal boat built in Akron in l827. Made its maiden voyage during the July 4th celebration of the opening of the Ohio Canal from Akron to Cleveland.
Summit Level
The highest level on a canal where it crossed from one river valley to another. One of the two summit levels on the Ohio & Erie Canal was the Portage Summit at Akron.
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