Relay Station

Place where tools and supplies were kept for the line boats. that did maintenance on the canal. One was located between Lock 14 and Lock 13.

Rock Bottom

A popular meeting place for youth in the years after the closing of the lock system and until the early 70’s . Here, at the abandoned lock site between the Ohio Power plant and the … more

Rooster’s Nest

Canal slang for saloon. One was located at Lock 10 and another at Lock 16.


A substance obtained primarily from the milky juice of tropical plants (Eg. Hevea brasiliensis) and usually characterized by its elasticity, though its properties vary widely, depending upon its source and preparation. The making of products … more

Rubber Tire

Rubber or inflated rubber cushioning for wheels. From l900 to l950 as many rubber tires were made in Akron as in all the rest of the world combined. Though Goodrich, Goodyear, Firestone, General and U.S. … more

Schumacher, Ferdinand


German immigrant who became “ Oatmeal King” of America and the world’s foremost producer of processed cereals. His Cascade Mill built in l876 on the Ohio Canal at North Street was the largest in Akron. … more

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