Welcome to ohiowaterways.com!   If you are here, it is likely that you are working on a project with me and are contemplating making a contribution to the site.

Ohiowaterways describes life along the Ohio Canal and the Little Cuyahoga River that run through Akron, Ohio.  The form of the site is an illustrated dictionary.   The dictionary contains information about plants, animals, built things, organizations, and culture and landscape found along the canal and the river.  The dictionary is open ended, that is, there can be more entries added and as many different kinds of illustrations of the entries as are presented by participants.  A single definition can have many different illustrations.  Some could be drawings, others photographs or videos.

If you have an idea for the site please contact me.  If you have a definition or an illustration you may email it to me by using the address to the left.

Thank you,

Donna Webb

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Japanese Knotwood Stands

(Polygonum cuspidatum) An Asian weedy shrub. Common throughout the floodplain of the river valley, especially north of North Street. It forms thickets of bamboolike, ten foot tall shoots. The largest stand is in the confluence … more

Kelley, Alfred

A lawyer, statesman, engineer and the Ohio Canal Commissioner responsible for getting the canal built from Akron to Cleveland.

Lane, Samuel


1815-l905. Newspaper editor, mayor, sheriff and Akron’s first historian. In l892 he documented the first 50 years of Akron history, the heyday of the Ohio Canal.


A bloodsucking worm of the genus Hirudinea. Common in the canal. Used for medicinal purposes. They were harvested by youths who swam in the canal allowing the leeches to attach to their bodies. The leeches … more


(Syringa vulgaris) A European shrub with oval leaves and large blossoms of pink-purple fragrant flowers. There are many species and horticultural varieties. Lilacs are found northwest of the Mustill Store. It was very popular in … more


(Convallaria majalis) A sweet scented European bulb found in the neglected garden plot northwest of Mustill Store. It is a low perennial herb having two large oblong leaves and nodding bell-shaped white flowers. Bulbs like … more