Welcome to ohiowaterways.com!   If you are here, it is likely that you are working on a project with me and are contemplating making a contribution to the site.

Ohiowaterways describes life along the Ohio Canal and the Little Cuyahoga River that run through Akron, Ohio.  The form of the site is an illustrated dictionary.   The dictionary contains information about plants, animals, built things, organizations, and culture and landscape found along the canal and the river.  The dictionary is open ended, that is, there can be more entries added and as many different kinds of illustrations of the entries as are presented by participants.  A single definition can have many different illustrations.  Some could be drawings, others photographs or videos.

If you have an idea for the site please contact me.  If you have a definition or an illustration you may email it to me by using the address to the left.

Thank you,

Donna Webb

A . B . C . D E F G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z
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Sold at the Mustill Store. Probably cut from a nearby canal basin during the winter, stored in an ice house and sold during the rest of the year.

Industrial Heritage Park

An area of land set aside to pay tribute to and educate people about a history of the making of and processing of goods and materials. Cascade Locks Park is an industrial heritage park. It … more

Internal Sluiceway

A channel contained within a lock wall which allows the water level to be controlled without spilling it out into the air as happens when the wicket or butterfly valve is used. Locks such as … more


One of a large genus of plants typifying the family Iridaceae. They have large, handsome flowers of many colors with the three inner petals erect and the three outer ones usually spreading. A European garden … more


First worked in the Akron area in l816 at the iron furnace in Middlebury, near the present Goodyear. A year later iron was being made at what was known as Old Forge, near Forge and … more