
A common river bottom-land tree. The wood is hard with dense, close grain and is used for axe handles and baseball bats.


Trees found in the area northwest of the Mustill store and lock 15. Apples were the most popular fruit in canal days. They were eaten fresh, cooked, and made into cider.

American elm

(Ulmus americana) A graceful vase-shaped tree, once plentiful in the United States. Since the l930’s as many as 100 million trees have died from Dutch elm disease which entered the United States at the port … more

Akron Buzzard

Akron newspaper first published in l887 by historian Samuel Lane under the pen name Jedediah Brownhead Esq. Its purpose was to fight crime and expose the crooks attracted to the area by the activity surrounding … more


Our city, The name is derived from the Greek, “high” . Its location at the continental divide separating the Lake Erie watershed from the Mississippi River watershed made the Akron site one of those considered … more

Aetna Mill

One of Akron’s early mills. Built in l838 near the site which is now between the steam plant and Ace Rubber. Nearby was an earlier Aetna pig iron furnace erected in l832-3 and named after … more

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