Black Tongue Fever

Possibly malaria, typhus or diphtheria, struck the canal workers and the small Akron community in l827. Akron became almost deserted because so many died or fled.

Black Locust

(Robinia pseudoacacia) Found along the canal. The strong, heavy wood was used for fencing.

Black Cherry

(Prunus serotina) Large trees located at the back of the John Pfeiffer lot. Black cherry was the preferred wood for fancy furniture in the early nineteenth century. It was also used as framing timber for … more


(Rubus allegheniensis) Also called dewberry. Eaten by both humans, bears and other smaller animals and birds. The thicket provides protection for rabbits.

Black bear

(Ursus Americanus) A large carnivorous mammal with dense black fur, weighing in at about three hundred pounds. These were both a danger and a food source to early inhabitants along the canal.

Bitternut Hickory

(Carya cordiformis) One of the most common hickory trees, often seen along the Cuyahoga Valley. The nuts are so bitter, few animals eat them.

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