
The soft and curled, or crisped covering or coat of domesticated sheep and some other animals which constitutes, next to cotton, the most important material for clothing. Wool proper is borne by wild species of … more


Any of the species of birds of the family Piccidae. They have feet with two toes in front and two behind. The tail feathers are stiff and spiny to aid in climbing or resting on … more


(Marmota monax) A thickset marmot of the north eastern United States and Canada. Also called ground hog. Live in lowland forests and meadows. Eat tender plants such as alfalfa and clover and are often considered … more


Any of certain large doglike carnivorous mammals of the genus canis. The American gray, or timber wolf (C. occidentolis) Native to the Akron area in the earliest days. It was eradicated by farmers who claimed … more


(Verbesina alternifolia)

Wild Turkey

(Meleagris gallopavo) A large wild bird. It formerly ranged wild from southern Mexico to New England and Canada, but now is hardly found north of virginia. It is widely kept in domestication in most parts … more

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