Author Archives: Donna Webb
(Clematis sp) Also called Virgin’s Bower and Old Man’s Beard. Clematis is a wild flower vine with white flowers that bloom in August. It is found at the northwest part of the streamside forest; northeast … more
Cigar Box
A small rectangular box made to contain cigars for sale. Often made of Spanish cedar , a tropical American tree (Cedrela odorato) which has a fragrant red wood. A factory for making boxes, including those … more
Chug Chug
A hand built bicycle-like vehicle used by youngsters for entertainment (a poor man’s soap-box vehicle). A board (usually a two by four) with wheels or skate bottoms attached, onto which a box is also affixed … more
Change bridge
A bridge carrying the towpath from one side of the canal to another. The towpath originally changed sides at the Mustill store (lock 15). and again at lock 11. Today the towpath changes sides (will … more
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